
Seychelles Swiflet

Swiflets or Zirondel in creole are fast and accurate fliers. They spend most of their lives in the air and feed by catching small flying insects in their mouths as they fly. The tiny cup-shaped nests made of plants scraps stuck together with saliva are attached to the walls or ceilings of caves. Inside the

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Seychelles Fody

The Seychelles Fody or Tok-tok in creole, is less colourful than the introduced relative the Madagascar Fody, and is a species of forests or scrub habitats. It seems unable to survive alongside black rats and survives today on Cousin, Cousine, Fregate, D’Arros and now Aride, where it translocated successfully in 2001 and Denis, where it

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Scops Owl

Scops Owl The Scops Owl or Syer is nocturnal, which means it is active at night. It is mainly found in the highland forests of Mahe, so it is rarely seen. It can sometimes be heard calling from tall trees, its usual call sounds like a frog or the rasping noise of a big saw

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