The Ministry has a Climate Science and Data Management (CSDM) Section located at the Ex-English River Clinic in Victoria that cater for all of the Ministry's GIS, Remote sensing and Data Management needs. Its main objectives are to:
- Provide Geographical Information Systems related support to the Ministry of Environment Energy and Climate Change (MEECC) and its affiliated partners
- Develop and enhance the use of Remote Sensing for Environmental use in Seychelles
- Manage most of the data in the MEECC and as such manage the databases, clearing houses and repositories that falls under the MEECC responsibilities
It is a hub where all data are stored in various databases and Clearing House Mechanism. Some of these are open to the public whereas others are protected. It provides data for reporting processes as well as assisting in making informed decisions.
Given of this area of specialty, it also undertakes training to sensitize staff on the benefits of using GIS so that they can make the most out of this technology. International and local University students conducting environmental studies and researches on Seychelles constantly makes use of the section's services
In the near future, with the expansion of the CSDM Section, it is expected that further Climate Science researches are undertaken by Section in support of the Meteorological Agency.
Anyone interested in any data must contact the principal Secretary for Climate Change Department for permission and if necessary, a data sharing agreement is signed between MACCE and the organization/individual.