Ministry’s Overview

The Ministry of Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment is under the leadership of the Minister. The Minister is responsible for the Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment Departments.  The Departments are responsible for the development of policy and regulatory frameworks whilst the Authorities and Agencies (i.e. NBGF, LWMA, PUC, SNPA, SEC and NMS) are the arm length of the Ministry with the responsibility to put these policies into practice.

The Ministry is responsible for developing, implementing and monitoring various policies. These include the Seychelles Sustainable Development Strategy (SSDS), the National Biodiversity and Action Plan (NBSAP), Protected Area policy, National Wetland Policy amongst others.  The policies guide the works of the Ministry and the Authorities or agencies under the Portfolio of the Minister. It is also responsible for regulating certain activities as well as enforcing the different environment related legislation.

Agriculture Department

Climate Change Department

The Climate change Department has the responsibility for Energy, water and other related issues pertaining to Climate change. The Principal Secretary also oversee the functioning of the Programme Coordination Unit (PCU). It consists of two divisions, namely Energy Division and Climate Change Division. The former is headed by a Principal Energy Analyst whilst the latter by a Director General.

The Climate Change Division has the responsibility to coordinate climate change issues, implement the National Climate Change Strategy, the Seychelles Sustainable Development Strategy and the international climate change cooperation and global Negotiations. It is made up of 5 different sections- Climate Adaptation Management, Climate Mitigation Management, Climate Science and Data Management, National Meteorological Services and International Climate Negotiation sections.

Environment Department

The Environment Department is headed by a Principal Secretary. It is composed of two divisions; Waste, Enforcement and Permit Division and Biodiversity and Conservation Management Division. Waste, Enforcement and Permit Division consist of 3 Sections: -Enforcement, Environment and Permits and Permit Sections. These are headed by Directors. The Biodiversity and Conservation Management Division consists of two sections; Conservation and Forestry. They are headed by a Director and a Principal Forestry Officer.

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