There are different public bodies established by law that deals with water management, protected area management, botanical gardens management, waste and energy issues under the Minister's portfolio.
Public Utilities Corporation
PUC is a parastatal body wholly owned by the Government of Seychelles governed by the Public Utilities Corporation Act of 01st January 1986 and subsequent amendments. It is the only utility company providing electricity, water, and sewerage services in Seychelles. Its mission is to provide an efficient, safe and reliable supply of electricity and treated water, to treat and dispose waste water, paying due regard to the environment and customers’ interests.

Seychelles Parks and Gardens Authority (SPGA)
The Seychelles National Parks Authority is mandated to manage the state marine and terrestrial national parks of Seychelles. The terrestrial parks include Morne Seychellois National Park on Mahé Island, Praslin National Park on Praslin Island and Special Veuve Reserve on La Digue. The Marine National parks includes Silhouette, Ile Coco, Curieuse & Saint Pierre, Sainte Anne, Port Launay and Baie Ternay. These protected areas offer a diversity of fauna and flora which is enjoyed by thousands of visitors each year, with each park having its particular interesting features.

Landscape and Waste Management Agency (LWMA)
LWMA is the Agency responsible for the management of waste in the Seychelles and for implementing policies that deals with waste and sewage management. It is estimated that the country produces about 3000 tons of waste per month, a third of which comes directly from residential bin sites and retail. LWMA supervises the work of the contractors to ensure that waste are properly collected, treated and disposed at the Landfill. The agency puts a lot of efforts in promoting public sensitization especially with regard to good waste management practices and promulgation of the 3 R’s (Reduce, Recycle and Reuse).

Seychelles Energy Commission (SEC)
The Energy Commission (SEC) is a statutory body established by the Seychelles Energy Commission Act of 2009. The object of the Commission is to regulate electricity related activities for adequate, reliable, cost effective and affordable electricity while protecting and conserving the environment. The Commission regulates the generation, transmission, distribution, supply and use of electricity. In addition, the Commission promotes the use of energy efficient technologies and renewable resources.

Seychelles Meteorological Authority (SMA)
Seychelles Meteorological Authority (SMA) is a government entity duly created and existing under the laws of the Republic of Seychelles with the mandate to provide weather and climate services and products to ensure the safety, well-being, and economic security of the country’s people and contribute to the country’s socio-economic development, and, thus, undertakes activities related to observation, collection, assessment, and processing of atmospheric, oceanic, and allied data for the benefit of commerce, industry and the environment. Beside these responsibilities, Seychelles Meteorological Authority also has an important mandate to provide for meteorological services to international air navigation.