The Egerton University of Kenya conducted a fact-finding mission in the agricultural sector and the Seychelles Institute of Agriculture and Horticulture (SIAH) school. Dr. Caleb Orenge and Dr. John Nduko, the university’s representatives, led the one-week mission, which involved theoretical and practical sessions.
The primary objective of the mission was to explore potential avenues for Egerton University to support capacity building at the SIAH school. This was initiated from Minister Flavien Joubert’s visit to the University in Kenya earlier this year. The discussions focused on fostering collaborative cooperation between SIAH and the University.The representatives anticipate formalizing these efforts through a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to establish a twinning program, enabling the SIAH school staff and local farmers to benefit from training opportunities at Egerton University.
During their mission, the representatives also visited some crops and livestock farms in the western region of Mahe, organized by the Agriculture Department. Dr. Orenge expressed his impression of the one-week mission and stated that they identified a few gaps where the University could provide assistance, especially with the curriculum development of the SIAH school. Regarding the farmers, he stated that they need to upscale the agricultural programs to increase local production in the country. The two representatives noted that they are waiting for the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to define the collaborative cooperation.