Minister’s Message – Clean up the World

“The Cleanliness of Seychelles is everyone’s responsibility”

As we celebrate the 26th edi1on of Clean Up the World, it is a moment for reflec1on, ac1on, and reaffirma1on of our commitment to safeguard the environment. Over the years, this global campaign has not only united communities but has also nurtured a profound sense of responsibility towards the health of our planet. Today, more than ever, we acknowledge the essen1al role each of us plays in preserving the beauty and well-being of our environment.

This year’s theme, ‘The cleanliness of Seychelles I everyone’s responsibility’, serves as a powerful reminder that our daily choices have las1ng impacts. Whether it is reducing waste, recycling, and proper disposal or advoca1ng for sustainable practices, we all contribute to the collec1ve global effort to protect our natural world.

The government remains fully committed to suppor1ng this vision for a cleaner Seychelles. We have been ac1vely reviewing policies and laws to ensure they are aligned with current environmental challenges. In addi1on, we have iden1fied key actions which include strengthening waste management systems, enhancing enforcement against illegal dumping, and promo1ng greater public awareness of environmental responsibili1es. Through these efforts, we are laying the groundwork for long-term sustainability and ensuring that our beau1ful islands remain pris1ne.

I would like to extend my heartful apprecia1on to the organizers, volunteers, and communities who have dedicated their 1me and energy to this campaign. Your unwavering dedica1on to crea1ng cleaner neighborhoods, beaches, forests, and public spaces is truly inspiring. I encourage every ci1zen to take part in this meaningful movement.

Together, let us build on the achievements of the past 26 years and ensure that future genera1ons inherit a world that is cleaner, greener, and more sustainable. Thank you for your continued efforts, and may this edi1on of Clean Up the World be the most impactful one yet.

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