Second National Communication Project

Project Timeline

2008 - 2010



Enabling Seychelles to prepare its Second National Communication as a response to its commitments under the UNFCCC (SNC Project)


Signatories to the UNFCCC are obligated to submit National Communications that identify the likely Climate Change threats to a country's economy and population, and highlight mitigation and adaptation measures. Seychelles submitted the First National Communication in 2000 which brought attention to Climate Change issues in Seychelles. However, it did not fully exploit strategic opportunities for feeding into the national development and there was limited participation of stakeholders from public and private sectors.

This current project supports activities to prepare Seychelles' Second National Communication (SNC) which could also bring strategic and policy support.  The SNC is basically a reporting mechanism to honour the country's continued commitment to the UNFCCC.

Expected Outcome

Besides meeting the obligations of the UNFCCC, the SNC is seen as a vehicle to facilitate institutionalisation of climate change responses, to assist in production of knowledge and information on national priorities, to facilitate policy dialogue for effective actions and to help in public education and awareness of climate change and mainstreaming climate change concerns at different levels in society.

Key Results and Activities

Under the project a number of results have been achieved:
•    The SNC has been completed, which includes the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Mitigation Options reports from key areas (Energy Fuel Combustion, Industrial Processes, Agriculture, Land Use Change & Forestry, Waste), the Vulnerability and Adaption reports for key sectors (including agriculture, fisheries, tourism, energy, water, and health)
•    A National Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan to address climate change and its adverse impacts has been prepared
•    The Seychelles Ocean Temperature Monitoring Network and website was started under the project
•    A review of ongoing and future Education, Training and Public Awareness activities was undertaken
•    The project also funded the in flight documentary "Footprints" on Seychelles currently being shown onboard Air Seychelles
•    Supported production of a Climate Change booklet for schools.

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