Plant Health and Crop Research

Strategic Goals

  • To contribute towards food and nutrition security through the development of innovations that can contribute to sustainable, climate resilient value chains.
  • To translate research outputs in order to generate knowledge, facilitate decision making and contribute to the transformation in the agriculture sector.
  • To generate knowledge and technologies that will enhance the efficiencies in crop based agriculture.
  • To improve productivity, production, biosecurity, competitiveness and sustainability of crop-based agriculture.
  • To generate knowledge, solutions and technologies for food safety, quality and improved efficiencies in the agriculture value chain.
  • To contribute towards enabling the country to adapt and respond to climate change impacts.
  • To generate knowledge and technologies for the conservation and utilization of natural resources.


To become a center of excellence delivering innovation and technologies for the country's food and agricultural sectors.


To contribute to the sustainable development of the country through the generation, diffusion and application of knowledge and technology in the field of agriculture.

Main Objectives

- To provide for the research and development needs of the agriculture of the country as identified in national plans and policies.
- To provide appropriate research and development services to the agricultural sector.
- To provide and extend the application of new technologies in the production, processing, storage and distribution of agricultural produce of the country.
- To pursue for specified long-term period of agricultural research in pertinent areas.
- To provide for the coordination and integration of the research and development efforts of the country.
- To undertake training to facilitate the development of the relevant research by any institution or individuals of the country.

The Plant Health and Crop Research Division is dedicated to advancing agricultural sustainability, productivity and resilience. The Division is comprised of two sections; Plant Health Section and Crop Research Section. The Crop Research Section is further organized into the Crop Research Unit, Tropical Fruit Nursery and Rootcrop Unit, and the Drainage and Irrigation Unit. Through a holistic approach, the division strives to address emerging challenges in plant health, contribute to food security, and promote environmentally sustainable agricultural practices for the benefit of both local communities and the broader agricultural sector.

Plant health Section

The objective of the Plant Health Section, specifically the Pest and Disease Surveillance, Control, and Laboratory Diagnostics Section, is to serve as the post-border arm of Biosecurity services. This crucial role involves monitoring and surveying selected pest and disease populations, conducting control operations in emergencies, and diagnosing and analyzing samples. Moreover, the section actively engages in providing recommendations and advice on pest management to farmers and the public, aiming to promote sustainable practices that enhance crop production, ultimately contributing to improved local food security.

Crop Research Section

Crop Research Unit

The Crop Research Unit is committed to improving crop productivity and sustainability through targeted research in key thematic areas, including Crop Nutrition and Soil Fertility Management, Pest and Disease Management, and Variety Screening. These strategic focuses enable the unit to play a crucial role in advancing tailored, sustainable, and efficient agricultural practices that address the specific needs of the local farming community.

Plant nursery and Root Crop Unit

The objective of the Tropical Fruit Nursery and Root Crop Unit is to guarantee a consistent supply of fruit trees, seedlings, and root crops for farmers and backyard gardeners, fostering agricultural sustainability. This includes actively contributing to the conservation of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture, supporting agroforestry initiatives, and ensuring the sustained availability of vital plant genetic resources. Through these efforts, the unit aims to fortify agricultural resilience and enhance food security while promoting the responsible management of plant diversity.

Drainage, Irrigation & Control Environment Unit

The objective of the Drainage, Irrigation & Control Environment Unit is to ensure the supply of irrigation water and drainage systems for farmers through the provision and maintenance of irrigation and drainage infrastructure for efficient water management. Furthermore, the unit plays a crucial role in empowering farmers through technical support and guidance for the development of greenhouse/shadehouse infrastructure to ensure sustainable crop production.

Soil and Plant Diagnostic Laboratory

The Soil and Plant Diagnostic Laboratory plays a crucial role in assessing soil fertility, plant nutrient levels, soil physical properties, and water quality for farmers and the public. Its primary objective is to determine the status of fertility and water quality to optimize crop production. By providing insights into nutrient levels, the laboratory aids in promoting sustainable agricultural practices, ensuring the judicious use of fertilizers and organic amendments, and safeguarding the environment while maximizing productivity.

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