Strategic Objectives (Our Picture of Success)
Our picture of success brings more clarity to our vision and provides us with a framework to target key deliverables underpinning our vision and serves as a means to measure progress and success.
Monitoring and Intervention
To achieve a zero tolerance with regard to the introduction and spread of Invasive Alien Species.
Service Delivery Level
To achieve an overall customer satisfaction rating of not less than 75% across all portfolio of services and to improve cost recovery initiatives.
Full Compliance
To fully comply with all local biosecurity legal and regulatory requirements and international standards and obligations.
A Productive Networking
To build a strategic network of highly engaged and biosecurity concerned partners and to benefit more from our local, regional and international affiliations.
The Strategic choices (The Priority Areas)
Our strategic choices (priority areas) have been formulated from the analysis of the SWOT profile captured following the internal and external analysis of our business in alignment with our mission, vision and strategic objectives. We have identified five priority areas to ensure the right mix of workload and to stay focus on our core purpose and vision.
Increase the volume of surveillance, monitoring and intervention programs (baseline of 2017 figures) to improve the level of preparedness and rapid response to potential and existing biosecurity threats.
Remodel the service delivery system to facilitate trade, compliance, cost recovery and customer satisfaction.
Invest in mission critical resources to meet WTO Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standards and other international obligations.
Invest in public education programs and projects to instill a greater level of public sensitivity and positive behavioral change in response to the real threat of biosecurity intrusion in the local ecosystem and the production landscape.
Build effective partnership and network development with local and international entities to elevate the organizational capability and competency to deal with more complex biosecurity problems.
Entry, transit and departure of passengers and crew
- Pests, diseases, weeds and Invasive Alien Species (IAS) can be spread from one country to another through the movement of plants, animals, plant and animal products.
- In Seychelles there are restrictions on what can be taken into the country in relation to plants, animals and their products thereof which are categorized as regulated articles or restricted goods.
- The movement and/or importation of plants, animals and their products into the Seychelles are subject to import controls under the Animal and Plant Biosecurity Act, 2014.
- The import control measures apply to prevent the establishment and spread of Invasive Alien Species, animal and plant pests and diseases that can harm human health, the agricultural economy, biodiversity and the environment of the country.
Five (5) steps for importation of animals, plants and animal and plant products into the Seychelles
- Submit your application with the approved lists of Animals or Plants or Animal Products or Plant Products as per quotation or invoice provided by your supplier of the exporting country to National Biosecurity Services (NBS) for approval of a single Biosecurity Import Permit (BIP) per consignment.
- A single use Biosecurity Import Permit (BIP) per Consignment will be approved and issued by NBS as per the list provided above and based on the approved products and market access to Seychelles.
- Ensure that you send the approved Biosecurity Import Permit (BIP) to your supplier of the exporting country to organize compliances with the condition stated on the permit or attached document before shipment of any Animals or Plants or Animal Products or Plant Products to Seychelles.
Entry, transit and departure of cargo
Pursuant to the Animal and Plant Biosecurity Act 2014 and its subsidiary legislations, as a regulated the movement in and out the Republic of Seychelles of any animal, plants and/or its product thereof is subject to biosecurity import and/or export control.
It involves the control of the movement of animals, plants and their products in order to prevent the establishment and spread of invasive alien species and animal and plant pests and diseases that can harm human health, the agricultural economy of a country and biodiversity
4. Ensure that you received an official Phytosanitary Certificate or Additional Treatment Certificate from your supplier issued by the competent authority of the exporting country certifying compliances of Animals or Plants or Animal Products or Plant Products shipped to Seychelles.
5. Upon arrival of the imported Animals or Plants or Animal Products or Plant Products to Seychelles at the point of entry (Seaport, Airport or Post Office) ensure that you make available both official documents (Biosecurity Import Permit and Phytosanitary Certificate) to Biosecurity Officers for verification and inspection before release.
Agriculture Quarantine
Please help us retain and sustain Seychelles pest and disease-free status by preventing and reducing the risk of pest and diseases introduction, establishment and spread including Invasive Alien Species (IAS) in order to protect and preserve food security, biodiversity and the environment of the country.