Our Objectives;
- The Control and Protection Act 2018 allows us in ensuring that animals are treated as humanely as possible while under human control.
- Good animal welfare requires disease prevention and appropriate veterinary care, shelter, management and nutrition, a stimulating and safe environment and humane handling. We would like to change the old principles of our nation and introduce a new perspective showcasing that all living sentient beings should be treated with respect and love.
- We are promoting responsible ownership for it will help to reduce the outcry of increased stray population in our country.
Our responsibility as Animal Welfare Unit Officers are;
- Attend to complains from the Public regarding animal welfare issues, Stray Dogs and Dogs nuisance
- Dog Control which involves trapping & rescuing of dogs and cats
- Collection of surrendered Dogs and Cats
- House Visit to campaign towards Registration, Microchip and Sterilization of Dogs and Cats also to sensitize about animal well-being.
- Data collection of Dogs and Cats population, surrender and entries in the country
- Up keeping of the Dog Pound which is owned by the Department of Agriculture