National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan Project (NBSAP Project)

Project Timeline

2012 - 2015



This is a GoS-UNDP-GEF project implemented from 2012-2015. The NBSAP is at the center of the Seychelles effort to fulfil its obligation in implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), including the integration of sectoral and cross-sectoral plans, programmes and policies called for in article 6(b). It is a national project initiated by the Seychelles Ministry of Environment and Energy as a response to Article 6 of the Convention. It is co-funded by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) and the government of Seychelles, and being implemented with the support of UNDP. Its primary function is to make specific recommendations for national action for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity. Recommendations for action are expressed as individual projects with unique objectives, timetable and budgets.

The NBSAP is an effective tool for determining priorities - the more so since Seychelles has limited resources at its disposal. In achieving this, the NBSAP follows principles of national biodiversity planning such as:

• Identifying components of biodiversity

• Identifying areas for action, and obtaining commitment from existing organizations to undertake the required action

• Identifying needs and gaps

• Identifying pragmatic and cost-effective projects

• Assigning tasks and priorities

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